Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Abrahamic Covenant Chart - 3186 Words

This chart is intended to be used as an aid to studying the Abrahamic Covenant that would be found in Genesis. It is a simple tabular formatted chart. The material is done in a logical chapter:verse order starting with Genesis 12 and completing in Genesis 50. It was attempted to show all the verses that either outright mentioned a covenant or at least implied a covenant. ABRAHAMIC COVENANT Reference:All are taken from NIV translation | Addressed To: | Circumstance Under Which it was Reiterated: | â€Å"Ingredients†Which compose the Covenant: | Development in the Book of Genesis: | Any Change in Content or Emphasis: | Genesis 12:1- Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s†¦show more content†¦ls Abraham about all the land he and his descendantas | God continues to reiterate the promise of the land | Genesis 16:9-10 â€Å"Then the angel of the Lord told her, â€Å"Go back to your mistress and submit to her.† 10 The angel added, â€Å"I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count.† | Hagar | Hagar has conceived a child with Abraham and was now running from Sarah | Hagar and Ishmael are promised innumerable descendants | Ishmael’s approaching birth | Emphasis is on Abraham again violating God’s promise | Genesis 17:2 â⠂¬Å"Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.† | Abraham | Lord appears to Abraham when he is 90 years old | Promise of descendants | Abraham is 90 years old | Emphasis is on walking faithfully and blamelessly | Genesis 17:4 â€Å"As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations† | Abraham | Lord appears to Abraham when he is 90 years old | Promise of many nations | Abraham is 90 years old | God’s promise of nations | Genesis 17:5 â€Å"No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.† | Abraham | God changes his name to Abraham | Abraham is to become the father of many nations | Abraham is 90 years old | God’s promise of nations | Genesis 17:6 â€Å"I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.† | Abraham | God promises nations and kings | Abraham is to haveShow Mo reRelatedAbrahamic Covenant And The Covenant2250 Words   |  9 PagesEunice Barnett BIBL 150 Liberty University March 2, 2015 Abrahamic Covenant Chart A covenant is defined as a promise or agreement between two parties. The Abrahamic Covenant is a precise covenant between God and Abraham which can be seen in numerous events, throughout scripture. Genesis 12-50 reveals the Abrahamic covenant from Abraham to Joseph. The covenant is displayed in event and incidents throughout the history of Abraham and his descendants, which was part of God’s perfect will. God calledRead MoreThe Fulfillment of Gods Covenants in the New Testament2016 Words   |  9 PagesVincent D Dent BIB-107 11/15/2015 Dr.Valerie De La Torre The Fulfillment of God’s Covenants in The New Testament After the fall of mankind into disobedience and sin, God made the decision to deal with mankind and the problem of rebellion by establishing contracts or agreements between Himself and the people in order to communicate with and redeem his greatest creation, humanity. As we read through and study the Bible we can see that God is faithful in keeping His promisesRead MoreThe Church and the Gospels of Matthew and Luke3042 Words   |  13 Pageshow Jesus and his ministry are a continuation of the Old Covenant. I want look at the two Gospels and show how they pertain to the church and the interactions with the teachings of each. 1) Jesus’ Identification with David Matthew begins with a genealogy of Jesus mentioning two main figures in Israel’s heritage (1:1). The first person that we will talk about is David. The mention of David connects Jesus to the Davidic covenant (2 Samuel 7:1-16) as the one whom through David’s throne

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