Saturday, February 29, 2020

Amore Pacific International Business Strategy Marketing Essay

Amore Pacific International Business Strategy Marketing Essay With low-barriers to entry, the competitive business environment of the cosmetics industry requires companies to secure stable sales channels, and make great marketing efforts to differentiate its products. However, the cosmetics industry is closely related to the fashion industry which is constantly changing and offer potential growth opportunities. Consequently, cosmetic products typically have short product life-cycles because which require mass-customization capabilities and production agility. Personal Care On the other hand, personal care products business is a relatively a mature industry. Also with a low-barrier to entry, the domestic market is currently saturated with competition. In addition, the emergence of large-scale discount stores and new sales networks has called for rapidly changing marketing and distribution channels. Consequently, the domestic personal care products industry is focusing on developing niche markets by differentiating its product as offering higher quality and value. 1.2. Overview of AMOREPACIFIC AMOREPACIFIC Corporation (â€Å"AMOREPACIFIC† or â€Å"the Company†) aims to become a global beauty company with its core businesses in cosmetics and personal care and health products. Founded in 1945 as a Pacific Chemical Company, AMOREPACIFIC Corporation has been involved in beauty products. With the corporate vision of â€Å"The World will know us as the ‘Asian Beauty Creator’,† AMOREPACIFIC seeks to push the boundaries of traditional beauty with innovative solutions drawn from its rich Asian heritage.   [ 1 ]   The Company also stresses the five values: Openness, Innovation, Proximity, Sincerity, and Challenge to openly communicate with its customers and employees, pursue innovative ideas and new concepts, maintain physically and psychologically close to customers, fulfill obligations to society, and be passionate about overcoming challenges.   [ 2 ]    The Company first began its export sales via OEM and also began to sell cosmetics products under its own brand â€Å"AMORE† in 1964. In 1990, the Company turned to international markets by establishing its first overseas subsidiary in France, followed by establishing its Shanghai and Chartres plants in 2002 and 2004, respectively. In 2010, AMOREPACIFIC’s sales reached KRW 2 trillion, with operating profit of KRW 340 billion and net earnings of KRW 285 billion. The Company maintains its number one player in the domestic market with a 34.9% cosmetics market share in 2010. In terms of its overseas operations, the Company has enhanced its sales in 2010 by approximately 11% to KRW 335.8 billion.   [ 3 ]    With its strong domestic position, the Company is targeting sales and operating profit growth of 10% in 2011 by creation of growth markets. For each business segment, the Company’s Cosmetics Division is focusing on securing competitiveness in the Asian markets through reinforcement of R&D activi ties to provide differentiated products and services. For the personal care products business or â€Å"Mass Cosmetics & Sulloc Division,† the Company is intent on strengthening domestic market competency by expansion into high-functional products in major personal care categories. 2. International Business Strategy of AMOREPACIFIC’s Cosmetic Products AMOREPACIFIC aims to be a Global Top 10 cosmetics company.   [ 4 ]   While tapping on matured and developed markets such as North America and Western Europe, AMOREPACIFIC is more focusing on developing countries such as China and other Southeast Asian countries. To overcome the limitations of the market size and increasing level of competition in the domestic market and accomplish economies of scale through market expansion with its own line of competitive products, AMOREPACIFIC, utilizing its number one position in the domestic market, has been looking to develop overseas market with in its efforts to gain presence an d become a successful international player in a very competitive global cosmetics industry environment.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Networking 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Networking 2 - Essay Example This was a big revolutionary change. Information could be shared at extremely rapid rates. It could be said that this was the beginning of the information age. Nowadays we think nothing of transferring massive amounts of information, be they databases or images, across telephone or optical wires. Much of our economy is dependent on these tools. And who looks after all of these apparatuses and functions? The computer networker. The position is becoming more and more important as the field and our reliance on information technology continues to expand. What sort of education is required by someone seeking a career in this exciting field? There are varying degrees of specialization and education, each requiring different amount of time and different kinds of aptitude. People have to know the hardware that they’re dealing with because this can be incredibly important when resolving problems. Another big issue is security. With the huge amount of viruses and worms out there, people need to know how to protect themselves. If you get a job working on the networks in a bank or at the government, for example, security is going to be a major concern because these kinds of institutions rely on confidentiality. Day to day, what do these people do with networks? The key aspect of computer networking is to share resources and to allow computers to communicate—not just from room to room but across oceans and continents. For any viable business in today’s world these are necessary facts of life. Another important thing to do is maintain the system. Computers need to be taken care of. They need updates, they need to be checked out, they need to be replaced when they get old or are no longer functional. All of these fall under the purview of the computer networker. Salary ranges across the field vary depending on the level of responsibility. Some positions play a very important role in designing networks or

Saturday, February 1, 2020

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS - Essay Example In addition, in every workplace there should be prevention programs provided to employees to mitigate risks and crisis in case of occurrence. It is a fact that employees usually learn to improve their performance mostly by learning from their mistakes. Therefore, management should usually correct employees in a polite way when they are wrong, teaching them on how to avoid repeating mistakes and giving adequate guidance and support. Consequently, as workers repeat duties many times, they learn how to be efficient and improve on their weak areas. However, training programmers are very important since they equip employee with skills that they require to perform their duties, and these will improve employee performance in general and reduce mistakes. Good communication between patients and caregivers will enhance understanding between the two, and will ensure that the best care is given to the patient because the caregiver will understand the patient’s needs and will accordingly attend to the needs. The caregiver should be encouraged to act in good faith and this can be done by keeping a good communication and a warm relationship between the caregiver and the patient. It is ethically required that a caregiver to exercise due care for the interest of the patient and to act in good faith especially when the patient’s conditions are critical. Therefore, administrators should always ensure that caregivers adhere to ethical principles while communicating with the patients to ensure that there is a cordial relationship, which is essential in the treatment of the